Welcome to
Our mission is to do whatever it takes to see people
Believe in Jesus,
Belong to God's family and
Become who God created them to be,
impacting the world for Christ.
Sunday Schedule
8:00 am Traditional Worship Service
9:30 am Contemporary Worship Service
Adult LIFEGroups
Bayshore Kids
11:00 am Contemporary Worship Service
Adult LIFEGroups
Bayshore Kids
Bayshore Student LIFEGroups (6th-12 grades)
Wednesday Schedule
4:45 pm Wednesday Night Dinner
6:00 pm Bayshore Student Worship
Adult LIFEGroups
Bayshore Kids (currently for those whose
parents are in Wednesday LIFEGroups or serving) Women's and Men's Bible Studies Adult Prayer Group

Our story is filled with a rich legacy of people who were willing to do 'whatever it takes' to see people Believe in Jesus, Belong to God's family, and Become who God created them to be. What began in 1910 as Damascus Baptist Church of Boggy Bayou, became First Baptist Church in 1943 and is now known as First Baptist 'Church on Bayshore' has been a story of God's grace working through faithful men and women whose eyes are fixed on Jesus.
Through intentional engagement, mission and sacrifice,
Church on Bayshore has been and remains an integral part of the local community, and has a far-reaching impact in our area and across the globe. Our desire is not to just grow a church, but to
build the kingdom!
An in-depth church history is available upon request from the church office.