To see people Believe, Belong, and Become, it takes everyone being a part! From Sunday worship gatherings to kids and students, and everything in between, our incredible volunteers are what make it all possible.
Below are ways you can serve on campus.
Fill out the form below and we will help you get connected!
'We' takes priority
over 'me.'
-Bayshore Values
Birth - 5th Grade
Impact the next generation! Kids volunteers help lead and assist with groups and classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. You'll never have more fun than working with kids!
6th-12th Grades
Student Ministry volunteers impact the next generation by leading Student LIFEGroups on Sunday mornings and assisting with High School Worship on Sunday nights, Middle School Mid-Week Worship, and special events.
Worship volunteers use their skill and passion of music to lead people to worship in our worship gatherings. Band and vocalist positions are by audition. Worship Choir is open to anyone.
Tech volunteers are the behind-the-scenes leaders who make sure all the AVL components of worship gatherings are top-notch. Running sound, lyrics, lights and video enables the church to fully focus on the worship of Jesus.
Connect Team
Help create a culture and atmosphere of hospitality by welcoming and connecting people on Sundays and at special events.
LIFEGroup leaders are key to discipleship and helping people grow. LIFEGroup leaders have a time of training and preparation before launching to lead a group.
Are you gifted at organizing, fixing things, or making things better? Use your gifts, around campus, for special events and in our office during the week.
Use your skills with media to help us capture, celebrate, and share what God is doing. Our media team helps take pictures and film at events as well as helping show what God is doing through video testimonies and stories.